Developing Artists As Individuals Since 2000

Hours of Operation:

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Attendance Policy

- As with any program, steady attendance is requirement for success. Failure to meet such requirements may lead to dismissal from the program or adjustment in level. Charges and tuition may apply.

- Guardians are responsible for communicating absences to the dance studio through The Edge School of Performing Arts Report Absence Form at least 24 hours in advance.  Effective September 9, 2024, we have implemented a new system to streamline the process of reporting absences. Instead of emailing us directly, we kindly ask that you utilize the School Report Absence Form to communicate any upcoming absences your child may have.This new method is designed to make it quicker and more efficient for you to report absences, ensuring that we can update our records promptly and make any necessary arrangements.

This form can be found on our website in the menu bar (for Dance Team Members it can also be found on The Edge App under News Titled Report Absence)

If The Edge School of Performing Arts doesn't receive a response within 48 hours after the date of absence, the dancer will not be able to attend their next class until communication has been received and the dancer is cleared to return to class. 

- Any student that misses 3 consecutive weeks or more may be required to forfeit their class space - but will not be offered any discount or tuition credit.

*Attendance Policy is Subject to Change at the discretion of The Edge School of Performing Arts (The Edge Performing Arts Inc.) *